Good morning! I recently chatted with Modern Vinyl about creative flow, art residencies, psychopomps and of course, the new record on...

I am thrilled to announce that vinyl copies of "The Uncanny" and our first single "Hedy Lamarr" are coming soon from Hand Drawn Records!...

Hedy Lamarr on Lipstick Red Vinyl!
Our first single on 7" vinyl, "Hedy Lamarr/The Breakers" is coming soon!! Pressed on lipstick red vinyl, this pretty lil duo will also...

Voodoo Queen Music Announcement!
Exciting news from Voodoo HQ regarding the upcoming Ruby Rae record release!! Vinyl + upcoming rock shows + sirens galore! If you are...

Pledger update + new merch!
​Great news! CD copies of "The Uncanny" are currently in production + pledge gifts coming soon to all the super patient pledgers! Also...

The Album is done + LA gig!
Big news! The new record "The Uncanny" is finished, and it's live and available for you to hear! Thank you for all your encouragement,...

This is the start of something very cool. Stay tuned! #welcome #voodooqueenmusic